Informed Dissent
The intersection of healthcare and politics. Useful, credible information about your health and alternative methods to keep your body and mind healthy.
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Informed Dissent
Informed Dissent - Citizen Insurrection or Government Persecution - Derek Kinnison
Episode 89 of Informed Dissent with Dr. Jeff Barke and Dr. Mark McDonald. With Senate hearings raging, pointing fingers, and making wild accusations, the good doctors take a deep dive with one of those arrested for being in Washington DC on January 6 2021. Hear the story direct from the mouth of Derek Kinnison who was arrested, charged, and is currently awaiting trial on 5 counts and facing millions of dollars in fines and nearly a century in prison. What does the government say he did and what does Derek report on those charges? Is Derek and insurrectionist or is this United States government oppression? Listen now to gain new knowledge for your very own Informed Dissent. 32 minutes with Derek Kinnison.
You can help Derek's legal funding here: https://www.givesendgo.com/Derekkinnison
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