Informed Dissent
The intersection of healthcare and politics. Useful, credible information about your health and alternative methods to keep your body and mind healthy.
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Informed Dissent
Informed Dissent - Decapitate the Serpent - Brent Hamachek
Dr. Vladimir Zelnko said, “Everyone thought Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it started to rain.”
Dr. Jeff Barke and Dr. Mark McDonald interview a fascinating guest on this episode of Informed Dissent. Brent Hamachek is a business consultant, speaker, patriot, and author. He co-wrote the best seller Time for a Turning Point with Charlie Kirk (2016). He is the Executive Editor of and involved with Common Ground Campus,, featured on multiple podcasts worldwide, and commonly found behind the microphone at some of the nation’s premier truth advocating events. His views on the state of our nation were recently discussed at length in his article; Understanding and Embracing the Role of the 21st Century American Dissident
In this episode Brent shares with the doctors, and you, the depth of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s commitment to finding cures and telling the truth about effective treatment of the China virus through the release of the new book Zelenko: How to Decapitate the Serpent. Listen now and add to your very own foundation of Informed Dissent.
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