Informed Dissent
The intersection of healthcare and politics. Useful, credible information about your health and alternative methods to keep your body and mind healthy.
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Informed Dissent
Informed Dissent-Dennis Prager -One of America's most respected thinkers, authors, and influencers
On this episode of Informed Dissent, Dr. Jeff Barke and Dr. Mark McDonald discuss the state of medicine, politics, cigars and everything in between with one of America's most respected and influential writers, speakers, and talk show host, Dennis Prager.
Find all things Dennis Prager here:
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Enjoy more Informed Dissent content here:
The Morning Message with Dr. Jeff Barke is here:
Dr. Mark McDonald's Substack writings are here:
Jeff Barke Cigar Sympathy Project
c/o The Show Must Go On!
10 Fourviews Ln, Landrum, SC 29356
Mark McDonald Courageous Camera Project
c/o The Show Must Go On!
10 Fourviews Ln, Landrum, SC 29356
IDM Sponsorship Project
c/o The Show Must Go On!
10 Fourviews Ln, Landrum, SC 29356
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