Informed Dissent

Episode #147 with Josiah O'Neil

Dr. Jeff Barke and Dr. Mark McDonald Season 1 Episode 147

Another great episode #147 coming to you with Josiah O’Neil and your hosts Dr. Mark McDonald and Dr. Jeff Barke

Josiah O’Neil, the visionary behind Defining Truth, is a dedicated individual whose diverse background spans the military, law enforcement, and public service sectors. Rooted in these experiences is not only a profound love for his country but also an impassioned commitment to its defense. Josiah's journey has instilled in him a calling to speak truth into the contemporary cultural landscape, with a specific mission to advance Christian-Judaic principles and biblical values across government, education, and media platforms.

In the face of prevailing secular humanism and moral relativism that have disrupted societal foundations, Josiah's focus is on bringing light to darkness, exposing detrimental falsehoods, and resolutely defining and upholding the principles of truth. To learn more, you can contact Josiah here:

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